Lucky Mobile Data Add-Ons Add-ons – Nova Scotia

Zone Plan Data

$3 or $5 for 30 days

If you want to add more 3G data to your Zone Plan or want to use data while you are Out-of-Zone, you can get a Service Pass.
What is a Service Pass?
Service Passes are a one-time, easy and convenient way to control how much you spend when you want to call, text or use data beyond what you subscribe to in your monthly plan. If you try to call, text or use data and your activity is not included in your plan or Add-Ons, we will send you a text message with a link explaining your Service Pass options.
You can buy a Service Pass for calling (Canada-wide or international), texting, and data usage.
Service passes are either $3 or $5, and they expire after 30 days.
How do I buy a Service Pass?
Buying a Service Pass is easy. If you try to call, text or use data that is not included in your Plan or Add-Ons, we will send you a text message. Just click the Service Pass link in the text message, and you will be presented with options for your specific plan and needs.
After you confirm your selection, we will send you another text message confirming your Service Pass and its expiry date.
We recommend keeping extra funds in your account in case you ever need a Service Pass.
Can I buy more than one Service Pass at a time?
Yes. You can have multiple Service Passes at one time, but only one from each category (calls, international calls, text messages, and data). Once you use up your full Service Pass, you will be able to buy another.
If you?re using multiple Service Passes, we recommend buying a monthly Add-On, or upgrading to a larger plan.
How will I know when I need to buy another Service Pass?
We will send you a text message when you reach 50% of your Service Pass usage, and again when you have used 100%. Once you use up your full Service Pass, you will be able to buy another.

I?m on a Zone Plan. Can I use an In-Zone data Service Pass while I?m Out-of-Zone?
No. If you are on a Zone Plan, you will need to purchase a separate data Service Pass for Out-Of-Zone usage. If you try to use data while Out-of-Zone, we will send you a text message with a link to purchase an Out-Of-Zone data Service Pass.
Do I need to buy different calling and texting Service Passes for when I am In-Zone and Out-of-Zone?
No. All calling and texting Service Passes can be used nationally across the Lucky Mobile network.

Province & Canada Data Add-Ons

$25 per month

All Monthly Province & Canada Data Add-Ons work Canada-wide at 3G speeds.
  •      2 GB: $25 per month
Offers cannot be combined with other offers unless otherwise specified. 

The above Add-ons are available in Nova Scotia from Lucky Mobile.

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